Conditioning Solutions

Experience allows us to execute any type of technical solution: cooling, heating, ventilation and centralized control systems.

COMINVEST offers a range of solutions for cooling, heating, ventilation, both traditional and modern. Starting with the design, continuing with the execution and commissioning, the solutions have a high level quality of materials and aesthetics, for integration in architectural and furniture solution space, and maximum output with minimum cost.

Efficient management of the installations and fast and punctual intervention on possible malfunctions and defects are key points in obtaining greater energy performance, reducing costs, increasing the comfort of users, increasing the life of the equipment.

Among the solutions used regarding automation control systems are: BMS, PC Central Controller Central Controller Touch Panel, individual metering, online access to control system from any location, custom automation, control group etc.

Advantages of solutions:

- Providing the necessary fresh air

- asigurarea evacuarii aerului viciat

- Ensure exhaust polluted air

- Providing humidity adjustment

- Doing qualitative and quantitative treatment of the air, which is very important both for the health and comfort as well as to obtain maximum efficiency in developing physical and intellectual activities

- Ensuring energy efficiency